Sunday, October 29, 2017

Overlord 1-69 [WN][EPUB]

If you are wondering why I made Overlord WN, the answer is simple, there are differences between LN and WN.

Overlord 1-69 [WN]

Translation Group: frostfire10


  1. Thanks. Do you plan to make the epub of Overlord 12? The only one available is a bad conversion from pdf.

    1. I'm going to do it but I'm waiting for Ai Kotoba because the source material required a lot of work, and he was supposed to take care of it.

    2. Well to tell you the truth I haven't started yet...
      I need a new mouse(it's double clicking!)... T^T

  2. Thanks for the update

    Just to be clear. Have you read this WN version?
    I ignored it because I read the LN version from the begining but, do you know if they are different enough to be considered 2 different stories with same characters, or alternatives versions of the same story, similar to when the animated adaption of a novel or manga change things?

    Or are they almost identical, no real reason to read both versions?

    1. I did not read the WN version, but it seems to me that if someone reads LN then WN is for Overlord fans.
      If you would like to find out more, you can read the Review on NU.
